Thursday, May 28, 2015

Week 9: Space + Art: To Infinty and Beyond

Space, otherwise known as "the Final Frontier", has fascinated scientists as well as artists for centuries. Constellations, auroras, and other planets have sparked many myths and other folklore. The ideas of the heavens and leaving Earth sparked major movements across history, both politically and culturally. Until the invention of the telescope by Galileo, the only way to view space was through your own two eyes. Even then, sailors were able to navigate the oceans, astronomers were able to predict eclipses, and astrologists were able to 'predict the future.'
An aurora created by light refraction in the Arctic
The Space Race, a proxy for the Cold War, was one of the largest endeavors by the United States and the Soviet Union to send the first man to space as a demonstration of the power held by both countries. The accomplishments during this time put men on the moon, and it truly was "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Presently, we as a society know much more about space compared to fifty year ago. There are even plans for us to try and colonize other planets, primarily Mars at the moment.
Neil Armstrong standing on the moon
The results from all of these space missions sparked international interest on the possibility of extraterrestrial life. If you have been relying on science-fiction (sic-fi) as your source for all things alien, you may be surprised that other life may not look like Chewbacca. It just shows that a lot of how we perceive outer space comes from our imagination, or the imagination of writers and movie directors. I think it is amazing how we hope that if there is other life not on Earth, we imagine sentient beings as resembling humans in some way.
Several different interpretations of what aliens may look like (Star Wars)


Anders, C. "10 Myths About Space Travel that Make Science Fiction Better." 22 Aug 2012. Web. 28 May 2015

Choi, C. "How 'Star Wars' Changed the World." 10 Aug 2010. Web. 28 May 2015

"Neil Armstrong." n.d. Web. 28 May 2015

"Where no man has gone before." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 11 May 2015. Web. 28 May 2015.

"Impact of U.S. and Soviet Space Programs on World Opinion." 7 July 1959. Web. 28 May 2015.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Week 8: NanoTech + Art: A Lot Less is More

Nanotechnology mixed with art does not follow the same rules. Being approximately a billionth of a meter large, nanotechnology has the ability to change the way scientists study atoms and cells. The end goal, which is to manipulate things on an atomic scale, has become increasingly more realistic, with the invention of quantum dots and nanobots. What was observed is that when we shrink to nanoscale the laws of physics change.

Comparison between small molecules
Current modern applications for nanotechnology include composite materials for helmets, tennis rackets, socks, and (most importantly to me) composite baseball bats. All of these pieces of equipment use nanotechnology and techniques to create a strong, lightweight material that is durable. 

Many things that nanotechnology has had a hand in creating
In terms of art, a popular medium is the usage of tiny bits of conductive metal to create drawings. = Drawings using this particular ink can be charged with electricity to form a circuit on any surface that the pen writes on. This can be a way to revolutionize the way students learn about circuits and how electricity powers our everyday appliances.


Anton, P. S. "The Global technology revolution: bio/nano/materials trends and their synergies with information technology by 2015." RAND. Santa Monica, CA. 2001

Boyle, R. "7 Amazing Ways Nanotechnology is Changing the World."

Gimweski, J. Vesna, V. "The Nanomeme Syndrome: Blurring of fact & fiction in the construction of a new science." 26 Jan 2014. Web. 23 May 2015

"Benefits and Applications." National Nanotechnology Initiative. Web. 24 May 2015

"Circuit Scribe: Draw Circuits Instantly" Electroninks Incorporated. Web. 24 May 2015

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Week 7: Neuroscience + Art

Art is the medium through which we visualize and/or verbalize the human consciousness and human emotion. Neuroscience encompasses the scientific realm behind trying to discover the human consciousness through the study of the brain and nervous system.

Santiago Ramon y Cajal's visualization of chick's cerebellum
Santiago Ramon y Cajal and Camillo Golgi, two scientists who shared the 1906 Nobel Prize in Physiology, laid the foundation for modern neuroscience in their work visualizing the nervous system. While both were able to show the nervous system to the general public for the first time, each scientist had a separate opinion on how connections between cells worker. Golgi believed that the nervous system was a giant interconnected system, while Cajal was an advocate for the independent neuron theory. Cajal was able to visualize individual neurons, supporting his theory as well as portraying neurons for the first time.

3-D mapping of the human brain
Current technology allows us to image the brain in real-time. Both artists and scientists use this ability to record our reactions to different stimuli, which Frazzetto and Anker have said to reflect how 'the water of the physical brain is turned into the wine of consciousness.' Because each memory and thought has a different system of neurons firing, a real-time imaging system may allow us to equate certain patterns to independent thoughts. The superposition of these images combined with computers allow for scientists and artists to look at the 3-dimensional structure of the brain and its firing patterns during certain situations.

A possible side effect from ingesting LSD
Recreational drugs have a vast effect on the human mind and psyche, a reason why they are so heavily regulated and in some cases illegal in the United States. One that was discussed in detail was the usage of LSD, and its widespread usage up until its prohibition in 1968. Originally thought to be a psychiatric drug, it is known to be a hallucinogen and can cause changes in the user's perception of time and space.


De Carlos, J.A., Borrell, José. "A historical reflection of the contributions of Cajal and Golgi to the foundations of neuroscience." Brain Research Reviews. ScienceDirect. 2007. 55:(8-16)

Frazzetto, G., Anker, S. "Neuroculture." Science and Society. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. November 2009. 10:(815-821). 16 May 2015

Huang, M. "The Neuroscience of Art." Reviews and Features. Stanford Journal of Neuroscience. PDF. May 2015

Jung, C.G. "The Spiritual Problem with Modern Man." PDF. May 2015

"Lysergic acid diethyamide."Wikipedia. 27 April 2015. Web. 16 May 2015

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Week 6: Biotech + Art: Let it Glow But Maybe That's It

Glowing insect
Bioart, the incorporation of gene modification into non-host animals for aesthetics, was originally created for research purposes. Because humans are changing the natural order of animals, genetically modified organisms (aka GMOs) have been the topic of debate for quite some time now. The purpose of experimenting with these animals is to better understand how biological systems work, and now in some cases, manipulate them in order to be aesthetically pleasing. One of the most common methods of mixing biology and art is through GFP, a glowing fluorescent protein gene that was originally found in jellyfish that now can be seen in many model organisms. The use of this technique is what some may consider the first step to creating the perfect organism, and a sci-fi vision of what could happen is summed up nicely in Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park. In this movie, researchers recover dinosaur DNA from which they are able to revive animals that have been extinct for millions of years.
Dinosaurs from Jurassic Park
One of the main issues with the genetic manipulation of animals is the argument that treatment of these animals is inhumane. Animal activists view both scientists and artists as what Chris Kelty calls 'hackers', in a way outlaws of biology because they are causing suffering to animals for what they see as no good reason. While scientists claim their work as for the greater good, I have not seen or heard of benefits from bioart. That being said, I don't think that bioart should be treated the same way as research. Granted, people have the right to turn their own bodies into a medium for art. However, there is a line that should be drawn when using other cognitive beings to create art. I do not have the answers for where this argument should leave, although I think a good thing to consider is this quote from Jurassic Park: "Yeah, yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could they didn't stop to think if they should." 


Kelty, Chris. "Meanings of Participation: Outlaw Biology?" UCLA. 10 May 2015

Levy, Ellen. "Defining Life: Artists Challenge Conventional Classifications." 10 May 2015

Bioart. Wikipedia. 27 March 2015. Web. 10 May 2015 <>

"Why Animal Rights?" PETA. Web. 10 May 2015. <>

Jurassic Park. Dir. Steven Spielberg, 1993. Film